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New edition of Technical Conditions

New edition of Technical Conditions "Clothing for personnel of clean rooms" TUU 16293843-010:2007

In our work, we use normative documents of external origin, systematically checking their relevance, and maintain the relevance of our own Technical Conditions.

New edition of Technical Conditions

A new edition of Technical Conditions "Clothing for personnel of clean rooms" has been developed and implemented to replace the old TUU 16293843-010:2007.

Our Technical Conditions apply to clothing for personnel of clean rooms. The clothing is designed to protect and preserve the cleanliness of the air environment of these rooms from contamination generated by personnel, as well as to protect personnel from the influence of dangerous and harmful production factors. This clothing is a means of personal protective equipment (PPE).

The clothing is intended for workers in clean production premises in the electronic industry, in the production of medicines, for employees in microbiological, food, and processing industries, in medical institutions, and other industrial sectors.


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