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  • Special Technological Clothing | EKMA | Kyiv

    SEWING OF SPECIAL CLOTHING Sewing of clothes for the staff of clean rooms of chemical and pharmaceutical production, medical institutions, bars, restaurants and work clothes Technological clothing class A/B and C/D Clothing for food industry Medical clothing Anti-plague set of clothing Working clothing Technological accessories Cleaning and disinfection Clothing and accessories for clean industrial premises Development → Manufacturing → Consulting Quality clothing → Reliable protection → Quality product About us Research and Production Association "EKMA-STO" is an enterprise engaged in the development and manufacture of: technological clothing and accessories for clean production facilities of classes A/B, C/D and non-class premises; special clothing for medical workers of pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, clinics and any other medical institutions; clothing for the food and processing industry, etc. The production is located on the left bank of Kyiv. More details +30 OVER THIRTY YEARS ON THE UKRAINIAN AND GLOBAL MARKET +100 MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED TYPES OF PRODUCTS IN THE RANGE OF THE COMPANY +20 FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS, THE COMPANY HAS BEEN CERTIFIED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ISO 9001 REQUIREMENTS 10 FOR TEN YEARS, THE COMPANY RECEIVED THE "INDUSTRY LEADER" AND "LEADER OF THE YEAR" AWARDS The history of the company The first enterprise, RPA EKMA Ltd, was organized in 1992. Over the next three years, original Original models of clothing were created, in which the designers tried to take into account all the ergonomic features of the work of cleanroom staff. The history of the company began with the development of technological clothing for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry in 1994. Already in that year, it could be argued that the CIS was the first company to produce cleanroom clothing (process clothing) that met the requirements of international standards. Their design was so successful that it has remained virtually unchanged since then. Since then, the successes of the enterprise have been marked by awards based on the results of the National Business Rating and the All-Ukrainian Industry Analytical Center. More details Production Product quality is ensured by the quality of raw materials - careful selection of textile and applied materials, uncompromising compliance with product technology for clean production facilities, quality control of each product, compliance with ISO 9001: 2015. Technological clothing Technological equipment and accessories Anti-plague set of clothing Products for cleaning and disinfection Our advantages Quality products Technological clothing and accessories are thoroughly tested for quality, which ensures and guarantees its quality Manufacturing to order It is possible to manufacture products with a change of the existing model or according to the customer's individual technical requirements A wide assortment A wide range of products for employees of chemical and pharmaceutical, electronic, food and medical industries Always on time We ensure the fulfillment of the orders of our customers in the agreed time Scientific and technical base The company is the developer and owner of the Technical conditions for the products and the patent of Ukraine for the useful model "Set of clothes for working with microorganisms" We appreciate every customer We always consider the interests and wishes of our Customers and try to satisfy them Do you have any questions? Send us a request and we will respond to all your requests! Name Surname e-mail Phone > Thank you for filling out the form! Wait for feedback. Company News Jul 31, 2024 ISO SGS supervisory audit May 14, 2024 NPO "EKMA-STO" was recommended for awarding"The best enterprise of the industry" Apr 30, 2024 EKMA-STO has successfully passed the audit of the company's production site Feb 8, 2024 For thirty years in a row, EKMA-STO has been a reliable manufacturer of technological clothing for clean rooms


    PRODUCT Cleaning and disinfection Technological clothing class A/B and C/D Clothing for food industry Medical clothing Anti-plague set of clothing Working clothing Technological accessories Cleaning and disinfection Samples of materials Personnel working in clean rooms are the main source of pollution of the technological environment. People, especially with insufficient attention to clothing and hygiene, can generate pollution faster than any existing method can remove it. Therefore, the most important purpose of technological clothing is to protect the technological environment and products from pollution emitted by man in the course of his life. In addition, clothing should protect personnel from general industrial contamination. The performance of clothing by its functions is determined by: the properties of textile materials used for the manufacture of clothing, its design and compliance with the size of clothing to human size. Product quality is ensured by the quality of raw materials - careful selection of textile and applied materials, uncompromising compliance with product technology for clean production facilities, quality control of each product, compliance with ISO 9001: 2015. Clothing should not be a source of contamination, should not be electrified, should be easy to clean and should be resistant to chemical reagents used in production. The company produces both standard products and products that are adapted to the individual requirements of the Customer. Producing scientific and labor-intensive technical products, the company considers ensuring their proper quality as its main task, remembering that "The price is forgotten, but the quality remains." Assortment of products Clothes for the staff of cleanrooms class A/B and C/D More details Assortment of medical clothing More details How to correctly determine the size of clothes and shoes? More details Reusable underwear More details Clothing for employees in the food and processing industries More details Technological equipment and accessories More details Clothing for working in cleanrooms with reduced temperatures More details Working special clothes More details Cleaning and disinfection in clean production premises More details How much does quality cost?! One girl decided to order a dress from a famous tailor, because he sewed beautifully and always did a good job. However, she thought that his dresses were too expensive. "You take a lot for your dresses," she said. "Is it?" "I don't think so at all," said the tailor. - They are too expensive! If you add to the cost of the material the cost of threads, needles and even scissors used to cut the dress, it still comes out at least twice as cheap. So I should pay you half the original cost accordingly“ The tailor remained silent for a minute, then replied: - Well, young lady, you almost convinced me. So much so that I even agree to take half of the original cost from you. Now I will take the necessary measurements, and in a week the messenger will deliver the order directly to your home. All week the girl bragged to her friends about how cheap she would get a dress from a famous tailor. At the appointed time, everyone gathered at her house. The messenger came with a box. The girl solemnly removed the lid and took out ... two meters of cloth, a pair of spools of thread, needles and scissors. In anger, she rushed to the tailor. - How dare you deceive me ?! she exclaimed, just crossing the threshold. "There was no deception," the tailor shook his head. "I put everything you listed in the box." If there is still something missing - maybe it's because you forgot to pay for it.


    Technological clothing class A/B and C/D Clothing for food industry Medical clothing Anti-plague set of clothing Working clothing Technological accessories Cleaning and disinfection Jackets for cafe and restaurant chefs Jackets No. 401-407 The silhouette is straight Shirt cut. The sleeve is single-stitched. The back is solid cut. Length - to the level of hips. Material: Mixed fabric in assortment. Size: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL. Height: 158, 164, 170, 176, 182, 188. How to determine the size Samples of materials The jackets mod. No. 401 The jackets mod. No. 402 The jackets mod. No. 404 The jackets mod. No. 403 The jackets mod. No. 405 The jackets mod. No. 406 The jackets mod. No. 407

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Blog Posts (25)

  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year holidays! May Christmas bring us peace and wonderful news! Let our main dream come true!

  • Article "Components of clean production" published

    In the thematic section "Bakery and Confectionery" No. 6 of the "Kharchovik" newspaper, an article "Components of clean production" was published. The article discusses the issue of producing quality and safe food products. The main component in addressing this issue is a clean production rooms. This can be achieved not only by providing a large volume of filtered air and constructing the building from materials that do not generate aerosols, but also through the staff's clothing.

  • New edition of Technical Conditions

    New edition of Technical Conditions "Clothing for personnel of clean rooms" TUU 16293843-010:2007 In our work, we use normative documents of external origin, systematically checking their relevance, and maintain the relevance of our own Technical Conditions. A new edition of Technical Conditions "Clothing for personnel of clean rooms" has been developed and implemented to replace the old TUU 16293843-010:2007. Our Technical Conditions apply to clothing for personnel of clean rooms. The clothing is designed to protect and preserve the cleanliness of the air environment of these rooms from contamination generated by personnel, as well as to protect personnel from the influence of dangerous and harmful production factors. This clothing is a means of personal protective equipment (PPE). The clothing is intended for workers in clean production premises in the electronic industry, in the production of medicines, for employees in microbiological, food, and processing industries, in medical institutions, and other industrial sectors.

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